How cosmetic and medical facials can improve skin texture and tone

Both men and women have unique skin care needs, but one goal remains the same: healthy, youthful, and glowing skin! Facials are an excellent solution for patients in the Coral Springs, Florida, area who want to achieve a more attractive skin texture and tone, and the team at Khrom Dermatology MedSpa and Wellness Florida can help! Our medical aestheticians have years of experience in medical and cosmetic dermatology, educating patients on how they can achieve the look they’ve always wanted with custom-tailored facial treatments.

What is a facial?

A facial is best described as a spa treatment that can restore a natural glow and improve the skin’s health. Facials often include exfoliation of the skin and removing dead skin cells and are a relaxing experience overall. The result is rejuvenated, hydrated, and glowing skin.

What can I expect during my facial appointment?


Some common steps involved in a facial may include:

  • Cleansing. This step involves removing makeup or oils from the face using a gentle cleanser.
  • Exfoliation. A mild exfoliating scrub or enzyme treatment is used to remove the dead skin cells and reveal a smoother complexion.
  • Steam. Warm steam is directed at the face to help open up pores and prepare the skin for extractions and mask application.
  • Extractions. This step involves removing blackheads, whiteheads, and other impurities from the pores using a specialized tool or manual extraction technique.
  • Mask. Depending on the skin type and concerns, a mask is applied to the face to help nourish and treat the skin.
  • Massage. A facial massage helps improve blood circulation, relax facial tension, and aid in product absorption.
  • Moisturizer. A moisturizer is usually applied at the end of the facial to lock in hydration and moisture to protect the skin.
  • Sunscreen. We also apply sunblock to the skin before you leave, protecting it against environmental factors.

Facial spa services for Coral Springs, Florida residents

If you’re interested in learning about the facial rejuvenation services offered by Khrom Dermatology MedSpa and Wellness Florida, you can connect with our team. We are pleased to welcome new and returning patients to our office, conveniently located at 12462 West Atlantic Boulevard. To request an appointment and start working towards your goals, give us a call at (954) 688-9677.