Enjoy laser skin rejuvenation at Khrom Dermatology MedSpa and Wellness Florida

Uneven skin tone, acne scars, and unwanted fine lines and wrinkles tend to develop on the face and cause patients to feel self-conscious about their aging appearance. Fortunately, Dr. Tatiana Khrom of Coral Springs, Florida, is pleased to provide laser skin rejuvenation services that are readily available for skin improvement.

What is laser skin rejuvenation?

Laser skin rejuvenation is described as a highly popular cosmetic treatment at Khrom Dermatology MedSpa and Wellness Florida that uses laser technology to improve the skin’s overall appearance. It is a non-invasive procedure that stimulates collagen production and promotes skin cell renewal, resulting in smoother, firmer, and more youthful-looking skin. Dr. Khrom finds that many Coral Springs, Florida, area patients benefit from this laser skin resurfacing treatment to transform the skin completely!

What happens during a laser skin resurfacing appointment?

The process involves using targeted beams of light to heat the underlying layers of the patient’s skin, triggering a healing response and stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin. This reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging and improves skin texture and tone. The treatment is often customized to target specific concerns such as:

  • Uneven skin tone
  • Sun damage
  • Acne scarring
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

During the appointment, the patient’s face is thoroughly cleansed, and an eye shield is placed to protect the eyes from the laser. The laser is then passed over the treatment area in a controlled manner, targeting specific areas of concern. The treatment is painless, quick, and has excellent results. It’s a favorite among our patients. Patients might notice and experience a warm or tingling sensation during the procedure, but discomfort is typically minimal.

Am I a good candidate for laser rejuvenation services?

If you are considering the benefits of laser rejuvenation and want to talk to a provider about your skin care and improvement options, call the office of Khrom Dermatology MedSpa and Wellness Florida to discuss your needs. We always accept new patients and encourage you to call the office at (954) 688-9677 to request an upcoming appointment. Consultations are held at our Coral Springs, Florida, area office at 12462 West Atlantic Boulevard.