Using PRP/PRFM injections for hair thinning and loss

The team of Khrom Dermatology MedSpa and Wellness Florida in Coral Springs, Florida, offers a variety of cosmetic treatments for men and women to consider when seeking ways to look and feel their best. Dr. Tatiana Khrom is also pleased to offer unique services such as PRP/PRFM injections for those looking to restore and thicken the hair on their heads!

What is PRP/PRFM, and how can these injections help with hair thinning and loss?

PRP/PRFM injections are a non-surgical treatment option for hair thinning and loss. These injections involve the use of a patient’s blood. In a centrifuge, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM) is extracted. Then, this concentrated solution is injected into the patient’s scalp, stimulating hair growth and thickening existing hairs.

But what exactly are PRP and PRFM, and how do they work?

  • PRP. The PRP acronym stands for platelet-rich plasma, a component of our blood that contains high levels of growth factors. These growth factors are critical in cell regeneration, tissue repair, and promoting new blood vessel formation – all essential processes for hair growth.
  • PRFM. PRFM stands for platelet-rich fibrin matrix. This variation is similar to PRP but contains a higher concentration of platelets and white blood cells. This means PRFM offers even more growth factors than PRP, making it an effective treatment for hair thinning and loss.

How do these injections help with hair thinning and loss?

PRP/PRFM injections stimulate the hair follicles’ natural healing process by introducing concentrated growth factors. These growth factors help increase blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to the natural hair follicles, promoting their growth and strengthening existing hairs.

In addition to stimulating hair growth, PRP/PRFM injections also improve the overall health and condition of the scalp. This can address underlying issues such as inflammation or clogged hair follicles that may contribute to hair thinning and loss.

Are you interested in hair growth shots?

If you are seeking plasma treatment for hair loss or want to learn more about this receding hairline injection, PRP/PRFM, and how it can help thicken and improve hair growth. Call our Coral Springs, Florida office at (954) 688-9677 to request an appointment with Dr. Khrom and her team, conveniently located at 12462 West Atlantic Boulevard.